The first litter of Australian Labradoodles was bred by a man named Wally Conron in 1989, who at the time was a breeding manager for the guide dog service in Australia.
A vision impaired woman with a husband that was allergic to dogs contacted him to see if he could fill the request of a service dog, so he began the breeding between poodles and the Labrador retriever. After many breedings he produced a allergy friendly coat, this was the official beginning of the Labradoodle breed.
The public became interested in this smart and easy to train dog because of their non-shedding, allergy friendly coat, which has played a enormous role in their success and popularity.
The Australian Labradoodle breed has been further improved by blending the desirable traits of the English, American Cocker Spaniel and the Irish Water Spaniel into the line as well as the curly coat retriever.
Although this wonderful breed was originally developed in Australia, responsible Canadian breeders are dedicated to the continued development of this fabulous, fun loving, unique breed.